Spreading to weakly erect shrub 0.3-1 (-1.5) m high. Leaves 1.7-6 cm long, bipinnatisect to bipinnatifid, occasionally some leaves entire below inflorescence; primary lobes 5-7 (-9), with lower lobes usually (2-) 3-5-partite or-fid; ultimate lobes ±triangular, 3-10 mm long, 3-6 mm wide, acuminate, pungent; margins shortly recurved to ±flat; lower surface exposed, open-tomentose. Conflorescence terminal or in upper axils, decurved to pendulous (rarely weakly erect), simple and pedunculate or occasionally 2-or 3-branched and sessile; unit conflorescence 1.5-3 cm long, 1-2 cm wide, loosely cylindrical or tending ovoid or subobovoid, weakly basipetal. Flower colour: perianth whitish, often with pale violet tinges on limb; style white, pinkish violet on dilated part. Perianth sparsely to densely glandular-hairy or occasionally glabrous outside, glabrous inside; tepals independently relaxed after anthesis. Pistil 7-11 mm long; ovary stipitate, glandular-pubescent; style sparsely glandular-hairy in lower portion, papillose and dilated in upper third, not exserted in late bud; pollen-presenter ±conical, rimmed at base. Follicles ovoid, 9-11 mm long, viscid, rugose and deeply pitted, glandular-pubescent when young becoming glabrous.