Spreading to sprawling shrub 0.3-1.3 m high. Branchlets angular, subsericeous. Leaves obovate-cuneate to obtrullate, occasionally entire and elliptic when young, 1-5.5 cm long, 3-25 mm wide, usually 3-7-dentate to-fid in upper half of leaf, sometimes 3-7-partite with narrowly triangular divaricate lobes, pungent or not; upper surface not pitted, ±glabrous, with reticulate venation usually prominent; margins recurved to shortly revolute; lower surface sericeous. Conflorescence often deflexed, ±secund, 12-30-flowered, acropetal to subsynchronous; rachis 15-50 mm long, ±densely subsericeous. Perianth with sprinkled appressed hairs outside below curve, subsericeous on limb, densely bearded inside. Pistil (18-) 25-28 mm long. Follicles ovoid-ellipsoidal, 12-16 mm long, glabrous, longitudinally ridged.