Erect spindly shrub 0.5-1 (-2) m tall, often suckering. Branchlets angular to rounded, weakly ridged, subsericeous. Leaves ascending, broadly linear to very narrowly oblong-elliptic, (2-) 3-6 cm long, 2-3 mm wide (rarely to 7 mm wide on juveniles); upper surface soon glabrous, not punctate; margins refracted; lower surface partly exposed, subsericeous except for glabrous midvein. Conflorescence terminal, erect, subsessile, not exceeding the foliage, sometimes 2-branched; unit conflorescence shortly and broadly secund, acropetal, 12-24-flowered. Flowers acroscopic. Flower colour: perianth greenish or yellowish cream outside in very late bud, becoming white later, with brown hairs on limb; inner surface white; style lemony yellow-green or occasionally yellowish cream. Perianth subsericeous outside, scantily bearded inside. Pistil 7-9.5 mm long; stipe 0.6-1.0 mm long; style glabrous except for papillae in apical c. 0.5 mm; pollen-presenter oblique. Follicle 9-11 mm long, colliculose.
Grows in low open eucalypt forest with shrubby understorey, moister well-drained sites in granitic gravelly-loam soils over granite, at altitudes of 850-1000 m.