Erect shrub or small tree, 2-9 m high. Leaves 12-25 cm long, rather secund, pinnatisect with 10-18 ascending parallel linear lobes 5-13 cm long, 1-2.5 mm wide, not pungent; margins angularly revolute; lower surface mostly or completely enclosed except for midveins, subsericeous. Conflorescence simple or branched; unit conflorescence erect, cylindrical, subsynchronous; floral rachis (60-) 80-120 (-200?) mm long. Flower colour: perianth cream, scattered with caducous rusty hairs especially on limb; style cream. Perianth villous outside. Pistil 43-46 mm long; style glabrous, with a slight dorsal hump immediately below style-end. Follicle 14-18 mm long, tomentose with biramous hairs.