Leaf-lamina 2·5–11 × 1·6–5 cm., obovate-oblong to elliptic-oblong, shortly and acutely acuminate at the apex, margin finely serrate-dentate, abruptly cuneate or rounded at the base, glabrous above, very finely but densely stellately whitish-pubescent below or finally glabrescent; petiole up to 5 mm. long, thinly pubescent; stipules 3–4 mm. long, keeled, linear-lanceolate.
Inflorescences leaf-opposed but usually concentrated towards the ends of the branches, 3–9-flowered; peduncles up to 15 mm. long, finely pubescent; pedicels similar, up to 12 mm. long; bracts 2–3 mm. long, pubescent.
Petals white or pinkish, 4–5 mm. in diam., subcircular, with a much narrower nectariferous claw c. 1 mm. long circumvillous inside and ledged above.
Sepals up to 15 × 2 mm., linear-oblong, not thickened at the apex, greenish-tomentellous outside, white and glabrous within.
Androgynophore with a glabrous lower portion c. 1 mm. long and a pubescent upper portion c. 1·5 mm. long.
Ovary 4-lobed, densely setulose-pubescent; style c. 6 mm. long, glabrous; stigma-lobes broad.
Scrambling or erect shrub or small tree up to 6 m. tall; branches thinly pubescent.
Fruit c. 15 mm. in diam., deeply 4-lobed, sparsely hispid.