Tree, up to 20 m high, dbh up to 30 cm. Branchlets shortly sericeous when young; flowering twigs c. 4 mm thick. Leaves 1-or 2-jugate; rachis 4.2-7.6 cm long, flattened above, subsericeous, petiole 2.7-4.7 cm long; petiolules up to 0.9 cm long. Leaflets subopposite, elliptic, 10.2-13.9 by 3.9-4.6 cm, index 2.6-3, symmetrical, coriaceous, punctate; base attenuate; margin entire, flat; apex acute to acuminate, mucronulate; upper surface glabrous; lower surface dull, papillate, short sericeous, domatia absent; venation raised on both sides, concolorous with lamina; nerves 0.4-1.8 cm apart, marginally looped and joined; veins laxly reticulate, indistinct. Inflorescences axillary, branching along the flattened, subsericeous, 4.6-13.7 cm long axis; first order branches up to 4.9 cm long; cymules cincinnate, c. 3-flowered; bracts and bracteoles triangular, outside subsericeous, inside glabrous; bracts c. 0.7 mm long; bracteoles c. 0.3 mm long; pedicels 2.5-3 mm long, subsericeous except for the (sub)glabrous articulate part. Flowers in bud. Sepals 5, ovate, margin pilose, outside and inside glabrous; 2 outer smaller ones 1-1.3 by c. 1.3 mm, margin with glands; 3 inner larger ones 1.8-2 by 2-2.2 mm, margin petaloid, without glands. Petals 5, immature, elliptic, blade gradually decurrent into the claw, margin pilose, outside and inside glabrous, apex acute, white; scales free; crest clavate, shortly stipitate, glabrous. Disc interrupted. Stamens 8, immature; filaments pilose, especially basally; anthers glabrous. Pistil: ovary subhirsute. Fruits unknown.