Shrub to tree, 2-9 m high, dbh up to 6 cm; bark greyish white to mottled, hard; sapwood white, very hard. Branchlets golden (sericeous to) hirsute, especially when young; flowering twigs 1.5-6 mm thick. Leaves 2-5-jugate; rachis 1.8-16.2 cm long, basally terete to upwards dorsoventrally flattened, subsericeous to hirsute, petiole 1-6.3 cm long; petiolules up to 0.9 cm long. Leaflets opposite (to subopposite), ovate (to elliptic), often falcate, 2.5-14.5 by 1-4.5 cm, index 2.3-4.2, usually asymmetrical, acroscopic side broader, coriaceous, punctate; base attenuate; margin entire, (flat to) revo-lute; apex (rounded to) acuminate (to cuspidate), usually mucronulate; upper surface usually subsericeous to appressedly hirsute; lower surface dull, papillate, long sericeous to hirsute, domatia small, (1 to many sacs to) many pockets in axils of nerves; venation on upper side (slightly sunken to) flat (to raised), below raised; nerves 0.2-1.8 cm apart, marginally looped and joined; veins densely reticulate, distinct. Inflorescences axillary to pseudo-terminal, branching basally and along the flattened, densely golden (sericeous to) hirsute, 1.7-15.7 cm long axis; first order branches up to 7.6 cm long; cymules cincinnate, 2-4-flowered; bracts and bracteoles triangular, outside sericeous, inside sub-glabrous; bracts 1.5-2.5 mm long; bracteoles 0.5-1.8 mm long; pedicels 2.8-8 mm long, sericeous, less so in articulate part. Flowers 3.5-4 mm in diaim., not fragrant. Sepals 5, ovate, margin and outside pilose, margin with glands, inside glabrous, whitish; 2 outer smaller ones 1.6-2.5 by 1.1-2.4 mm; 3 inner larger ones 2-3.2 by 2-3.2 mm, margin petaloid. Petals 5, obovate, 2.5-4 by 1.3-1.7 mill, white to red; blade orbicular, abruptly clawed, latter 0.8-2 mm high, margin pilose, outside and inside (sub)glabrous, apex retuse to obtuse; scales 1.2-1.7 mm long, free; crest clavate, shortly stipitate, apex lobed, subglabrous, yellow. Disc interrupted, greenish yellow. Stamens 8; filaments 2-4.4 mm long, pilose, especially basally, white; anthers 0.3-0.6 mm long, glabrous, red. Pistil: ovary 0A-2.3 mm long, subhirsute; style and stigma 0.1-l.t mm long. Fruits with 1-3 well developed lobes, 1.-1.4 by 1.1-1.8 cm, smooth, glabrous, blackish when dry; stipe 2.5-4 mm high, slender; margin blunt; lobes 8-9 by 7-10 mm. Seeds obovoid, c. 6.2 by 4.8 mm; hilum c. 1.9 mm long.