Tree to 6 m high. Branchlets and leaves glabrous. Leaves alternate, paripinnate; rachis (?5.5–) 7–12.5 (–17?) cm long, semiterete, slightly winged, dilated; leaflets (sub)sessile, 4–6 pairs (6–9 pairs, fide Reynolds 1985), elliptic, 3–5.5 (–6?) cm long, 1–1.5 (–2?) cm wide, asymmetric, acroscopic side wider, base asymmetric, attenuate, margin crenate, apex acuminate, rounded at very apex, lower surface lighter when dry, venation indistinct, domatia absent or a single sac with apical pore in axil of fourth vein; petiole 3.5–4 cm long. Infructecences subterminally axillary, presumably thyrsoid, to c. 10 cm long. Sepals 5, ovate, outer 2 smaller, to 2.5 mm long, inner 3 larger, to 2.8 mm long, with glandular hairs on margin. Petals (only remnants seen by van Welzen 1997) smaller than sepals. Disc strongly horseshoe-like, smooth, glabrous. Capsule 3-lobed, obcordate, c. 2.5 cm long, c. 2.7 cm wide, loculicidal, thin-walled, pink to red, smooth, glabrous, margins sharp, winged. Seed ovoid, c. 8 mm long, blackish brown, eveloped by orange arillode. [The description by Reynolds (1985: 47-48) includes elements of G. crenifoliola.]