Trees 5-15 m. tall, with stout straight trunks; leafy twigs slender. Leaves rather distant, distinctly petiolate, the blade obovate-elliptic, rather abruptly and narrowly acuminate, obtusely cuneate and somewhat decurrent to the petiole, 9-22 cm. long, 3-8 cm. broad, glabrous, firmly membranaceous, rather obscurely undulate-serrulate; petiole 1-2 cm. long. Flowers terminal or subterminal, solitary or in pairs; peduncle rather slender, 1-2 cm. long in flower, accrescent and decur-rently winged in fruit; hypanthium turbinate, broadly winged, about 5 mm. high and 8 mm. broad, minutely ferruginous-papillate; calyx lobes 6, broadly triangular, about 12 mm. long, thickly foliaceous, ferruginous-papillate; petals 6, white, broadly oval, nearly equal, 4.0-4.5 cm. long, minutely ferruginous-papillate with-out and within. Mature fruits cylindric-campanulate, about 3 cm. long and 2 cm. broad, gradually decurrent to the accrescent winged peduncle, crowned by the accrescent persistent calyx lobes, essentially glabrous without.