Trees, tall, deciduous, unarmed. Leaves petiolate, the stipules lanceolate, the blade compound-digitate, the leaflets 3-7 (articulate?), petiolulate, entire. In-florescences terminal, unilaterally paniculate. Flowers large, hermaphrodite, actinomorphous or slightly zygomorphous, pedicellate, 3-bracteolate, the bracteoles very small and fugacious; receptacle eglandular; calyx tubiform, 2-or 3-lobulate, coriaceous, caducous; petals 5, adnate to the base of the staminal column, fleshy; stamens 5, the staminal column long, sometimes provided near the apex with 2 more or less regular whorls of staminodes, these simple, bifid or trifid, the anthers 5, subsessile to long-stipitate, dorsifixus, extrorse, elongated, spirally twisted, vermi-form, 2-thecate, the thecae parallel, transversely septate (according to Pittier, Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 16: 209. 1926), longitudinally dehiscent; ovary superior, sessile, 5-celled, the cells many-ovulate; style filiform, longer than the stamens; stigma briefly 5-parted. Capsules coriaceous or subligneous, unilocular, loculicidally de-hiscent; seeds few, large, broadly winged, in 2 longitudinal, opposite series, with the wings alternately arranged, albuminous.