A terrestrial herb 4–5 dm. high.. Stem erect, leafy.. Leaves lanceolate or elliptical-lanceolate, acuminate, up to 15 cm. long and 5.5 cm. broad, decreasing in size up the stem, the uppermost resembling the bracts.. Inflorescence 10–20 cm. long, 3–5 cm. in diameter, rather densely many-flowered.. Bracts lanceolate, acuminate, shorter than the flowers.. Flowers suberect; pedicel with ovary 2–2.5 cm. long.. Dorsal sepal erect, broadly lanceolate or almost ovate, very convex, apiculate, ± 11 mm. long and 8 mm. broad; laterals deflexed, obliquely oblong-lanceolate, acute, longer than the dorsal but only 5 mm. broad.. Petals adherent to the dorsal sepal, wedge-shaped, curved, the outer margin much widened above the middle so as to appear almost 2-lobed, 10 mm. long, 5 mm. broad, ciliolate in upper half.. Lip with ligulate undivided part 6 mm. long, deeply 3-lobed; middle lobe linear, 10 mm. long, 1 mm. broad; side lobes much longer, linear, 20–25 mm. long.. Spur pendent, slightly swollen towards the apex, ±1.5 cm. long.. Anther with a long apiculum, 5 mm. high, loculi parallel, canals erect, slender, 1.5 mm. long.. Stigmas projecting, club-shaped, 2 mm. long.. Rostellum middle lobe a little longer than the anther-loculi, truncate.. Fig. 15, p. 72.