Terrestrial herb, geophyte, up to 0.41 m high; with globose root tubers. Leaves 2, radical, acuminate, up to 150 x 40 mm, mottles silver-grey. Inflorescence lax, racemose; flowers 8-25, resupinate, green. Sepals unequal; median sepal 4 mm long. Petals undivided, triangular, 4 mm long, acute. Lip 3-lobed, 6 mm long; spur 15-20 mm long with small tooth in mouth. Flowering time Apr.-July.
Slender, tuberous geophyte to 40 cm. Leaves few, mostly basal, spreading, elliptic, often mottled with grey. Flowers in a lax raceme, green, petals lanceolate, lip tripartite with spur 15-20 mm long, stigmas 0.5 mm long.
Lip 3-lobed almost to base; mid-lobe 5–6 mm long, side lobes spreading, 4 mm long; all lobes linear, c. 0.5 mm wide; spur 15–17 mm long, slender but slightly swollen in apical half, straight or slightly incurved.
Leaves 2–8, with 2 at the base (but not appressed to the ground), petiolate, the lamina 7.5–9.5 × 2.5–3 cm, ovate, the petiole 2.5–3.5 cm long; the remainder sheath-like stem leaves 15–18 mm long.
Terrestrial herb, up to 400 mm tall. Leaves 2 or 3, at base of stem, indistinctly mottled. Inflorescence lax, flowers numerous. Petals undivided; lip with 3 equal lobes. Flowers green.
Inflorescence 7–10 cm long, laxly up to c. 12-flowered; bracts 10–15 mm long, lanceolate, acute.
Basal leaves dark green, densely mottled on the upper surface with white or silvery-green.
Sepals c. 4 × 2 mm; ovate, dorsal erect, convex; lateral sepals reflexed, oblique.
Terrestrial herb 25–40 cm high with villous, ellipsoid tuber up to 25 mm long.
Petals c. 4 × 1 mm, triangular, acute, lying beside dorsal sepal.
Stigmatic arms very short; rostellum 3-lobed.
Ovary and pedicel arched, 15 mm long.
Flowers green, verysmall.