A terrestrial herb 1.5–5.5 dm. high.. Tubers ovoid, 2 cm. long, 1.5 cm. in diameter, tomentose.. Stem rather slender, loosely leafy.. Leaves 4–7, the lowest 1 or 2 sheath-like, the remainder lanceolate or broadly lanceolate, shortly acuminate, the largest 6–12 cm. long, 2–3.5 cm. broad, the uppermost resembling the bracts.. Inflorescence 5–10 cm. long, 2–6-flowered.. Bracts lanceolate, acute, up to 5 cm. long, shorter than the flowers.. Flowers curving outwards, green, the side lobes of the lip whitish, the column brown; pedicel with ovary 3–4 cm. long.. Dorsal sepal erect, broadly elliptical, rounded, convex, 10–20 mm. long, 11–13.5 mm. broad; laterals spreading, obliquely lanceolate, subacute, 15–2 5 mm. long, ± 10 mm. broad.. Petals obliquely oblong-elliptical, apiculate, 11–16 mm. long, 6.5–8 mm. broad, ciliolate on outer margin.. Lip deflexed, 3-lobed just below the middle, the wedge-shaped claw ± 9 mm. long; middle lobe ligulate, obtuse, + 14 mm. long; side lobes 16–22 mm. long, divided on the outer margin into 3–8 threads which are up to 12 mm. long.. Spur pendent, swollen in the apical half, 10–14 cm. long.. Anther erect, 4.5–6.5 mm. long, the loculi adjacent, canals scarcely developed.. Stigmas club-shaped, receptive surfaces obliquely truncate, ± 6 mm. long.. Rostellum middle lobe very short and broad, the side lobes hollowed out at the apex.