Petals 2-lobed from a triangular, undivided base 4–6 mm long, with a knob at the junction of the lobes; upper lobe 7–15 × 0.5 mm, filiform, adnate to dorsal sepal at tip; lower lobe curving up, 25–41 mm long, horn-like, tapering.
Lip 3-lobed almost to base; mid-lobe pendent, 23–30 × 0.5 mm, filiform; side lobes projecting fowards, 15–19 mm long, also filiform; spur pendent, 4–7 cm long, slender with the apical 1 cm abruptly inflated.
Leaves 7–12, the lowermost 1–2 sheath-like, the mid-stem leaves suberect, the largest 6.5–12 × 1.5–4 cm, lanceolate; the uppermost grading into the bracts.
Dorsal sepal erect, 12–16 × 6–8 mm, elliptic, convex; lateral sepals spreading, 14–20 × 10–14 mm, obliquely obovate, rolled lengthwise.
Terrestrial herb 30–70 cm tall; tubers to 4 × 1.5 cm, ovoid or ellipsoid, woolly.
Inflorescence 5–28 × 8–18 cm, fairly laxly 2–25-flowered; bracts to 5 cm long.
Anther erect, 5–6.5 mm high, canals 14–19 mm long, porrect, the tips upturned.
Stigmas porrect, 12–18 mm long, slender, the apices enlarged and truncate.
Flowers spreading or curving up, mainly white, scented.
Rostellum mid-lobe c. 3 mm long, triangular.
Pedicel 4–5 cm long, ovary 1.5–2 cm long.
Stem leafy.