Leaves 10–16, the basal 3–4 sheath-like, the lowermost foliage leaf 16 cm from the ground; upper leaves bract-like; the mid-cauline largest and 9–11 × 4–4.5 cm, ovate, acute.
Petals 2-lobed ± to base; posterior lobe 7 × 0.5 mm, filiform, erect, ± adnate to dorsal sepal; anterior lobes 22 mm long, porrect, filiform.
Inflorescence 16–20 cm long, fairly laxly many-flowered; bracts 12–15 × 3 mm, lanceolate, acute, shorter than the flower.
Dorsal sepal 7–8 × 3–4 mm, ovate, acute, erect, convex; lateral sepals deflexed, 8 × 4 mm, obliquely ovate, acute.
Terrestrial herb 50–60 cm tall; tuber ovoid, c. 22 × 15 mm, tomentose; roots long and slender.
Rostellum mid-lobe small and triangular; side lobes 2 mm long, crossed.
Anther erect, 1.5–2 mm high; canals 2 mm long, crossed.
Pedicel 12 mm long, ovary 10 mm long, slightly arched.
Stem leafy throughout its length.
Stigmas decurved, 2 mm long.
Flowers light green.