A terrestrial herb 2.5–7 dm. high.. Tubers ellipsoid, ovoid or nearly globose, 1.5–4.5 cm. long, 8–15 mm. in diameter, sparsely woolly, as are the roots.. Stem erect, leafy.. Leaves 5–7, the lowermost 1 or 2 sheath-like, the remainder lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, acute, the largest 6–9.5 cm. long and 2–5 cm. broad, decreasing in size up the stem.. Inflorescence 7–23 cm. long, closely or rather laxly 6–20-flowered.. Bracts leaf-like, lanceolate or narrowly lanceolate, acute, the lower ones usually longer than the flowers.. Flowers curved outwards, the sepals green, the petals and lip white; pedicel with ovary 2–2.5 cm. long.. Dorsal sepal erect, lanceolate or elliptical-lanceolate, acute, 4.5–9 mm. long; laterals spreading or deflexed, very obliquely semi-orbicular, curved, acuminate, 7–13 mm. long, broader than the dorsal.. Petals obliquely triangular or triangular-lanceolate, somewhat curved, ± acute, equalling the dorsal sepal but rather broader, ciliolate.. Lip with a wedge-shaped undivided base 3–4.5 mm. long, then deeply 3-lobed; middle lobe linear or ligulate, obtuse, 7–14 mm. long; side lobes much diverging, 9–17 mm. long, with ± 6–11 slender threads on the outer margins.. Spur pendent, somewhat curved, a little swollen in the apical part, 2.5–4 cm. long.. Anther-connective horseshoe-shaped, 1.5–2 mm. high and just over 3 mm. broad, loculi at the 2 ends, canals erect, slender, 1–1.5 mm. long.. Stigmas somewhat decurved, club-shaped, 3–4 mm. long.. Rostellum middle lobe very short and broad.