Petals 2-lobed ± to base, both lobes linear, the lower lobe usually slightly longer but narrower than the upper lobe. Upper lobe 3–10(12) × 0.8–1.5 mm, erect, ± adnate to dorsal sepal; lower lobe 4–12 × 0.4–0.8 mm, spreading sideways and curving up.
Lip 3-lobed almost to base; mid-lobe 5–12 × 0.5–1 mm, pendent; side lobes similar in length but slightly narrower, curving up like lower petal lobes; spur 8–20 mm long, pendent or slightly incurved, swollen at the apex.
Inflorescence 3–21 × 1.5–4(5) cm, fairly laxly to fairly densely few-to many-flowered; bracts usually equal to or longer than the flowers at the base of the inflorescence.
Leaves 6–12, the lowermost 1–3 sheath-like, the upper ones grading into bracts, the largest in the middle, 3–13 × (0.4)0.8–2.8 cm, linear to lanceolate.
Dorsal sepal (4)5–11 × 3–6 mm, ovate, erect, convex; lateral sepals 5.5–15 × 3–5 mm, obliquely lanceolate, deflexed.
Terrestrial herb up to c. 50 cm high, tubers up to c. 2 cm long, ellipsoid to ± globose.
Stigmatic arms 2–3 mm long, clavate, lying along base of lip.
Anther 1.75–2.5 mm high; canals short, up to 1 mm long.
Flowers green, yellow-green or green and white.
Ovary and pedicel arched, 10–20 mm long.
Stem leafy along its length.