Erect, single-stemmed or forked close to base, shrub or small tree, 1.8-6 m high; resprouting capacity unknown. Branchlets densely white-tomentose, with hairs persistent until flowering. Leaves terete, often grooved below, (3-) 4.5-9 cm long, 0.9-1.5 mm wide, initially white-tomentose, quickly glabrescent and smooth; apex porrect, with mucro 0.8-1.5 mm long. Inflorescence axillary umbel of c. 3 or 4 flowers; rachis knob-like, 0.5-0.7 mm long, white woolly-pubescent; pedicels 4-5.5 mm long, moderately densely white short-tomentose. Perianth 3-3.8 mm long, cream-white, moderately to densely white short-tomentose. Pistil 6.5-8 mm long, recurved. Fruit laterally broad ovate, 35-45 mm long, 21-25 (-30) mm wide, rugose-reticulate; beak long-triangular, smooth but for small dense round pusticules, decurrent down one side for much of length, very shortly down other; apiculum ±absent; horns obscure. Seed 30-34 mm long, 9-13 mm wide; wing decurrent 1/2-3/4 way down one side of body only, black throughout; seed body flanged on pale wood side.