Tree, 20-35 m, spreading, 60-120 cm Ø; bark grey-brown, fissured lengthwise. Branchlets rather short, irregular, early corticate, 3-8 mm Ø. Leaves elliptic or oblong-elliptic, apex short-acuminate, or obtuse, base cuneate to the petiole, subequal, coriaceous, brittle and brownish-blackish in dry specimens, dark shiny green above, yellowish-green or pale glaucous beneath in fresh state, glabrous, 5-8 by 2.5-4.5 cm, edge a little revolute, midrib slightly impressed above, bold beneath, nerves 5-6 pairs rather obscure on both faces, no reticulation; petiole 1 cm by 2 mm. Inflorescences panicled, branches (c. 1 cm) rather straight-horizontal, each ending with a cluster of cymosely arranged flowers, 3-4 cm, the short peduncle included, subdensely yellowish-pubescent especially apically. Flowers subsessile, ♀ only known. Calyx c. 1 mm. Petals oblong, glabrous, yellowish green, c. 3 mm. Stamens seemingly well-developed, but anther cells without pollen, 1 mm; filaments glabrous, c. 3 mm. Ovary ovoid, glabrous, with a lateral gibbosity, and a fleshy subtruncate semi-orbicular free scale. Drupe curved, ovate-acuminate seen from one side, c. 1 cm by 4-5 mm; exocarp thin, becoming blackish; endocarp with numerous longitudinal prominent nerves on the convex, and a strong mediane rib on the concave side, the latter almost completely covered with a fleshy flattened appendix, subtended at base by the lateral scale and the remnants of the calyx.