Plant stemless, 3.5-4 cm in diam., many leaved and proliferous from the base. Leaves obovate to oblong ovate, about 3 cm long and about 1 cm wide, more or less erect, dark green in color, back of leaves very convex, somewhat obliquely keeled, slightly roughened and pellucidly spotted with lighter, more or less prominent, roundish or oblong, solitary or confluent and occasionally minutely toothed spots, which are arranged in longitudinal lines, face of leaves dark green, flat or slightly concave, with 1-2 inconspicuous furrows, apex obliquely or almost rectangularly retuse with a triangular face, the margins almost to the base and the keels towards the apex denticulate with small pellucid teeth, the tips of the leaves ending in a short pellucid bristle about 1 mm in length. The triangular face 9-12 mm broad at the base, 10-14 mm long, pellucid, shining, somewhat warty, with 6-9 shorter and longer, often broken and somewhat inconspicuous lines and with 3 converging rows of minute pellucid teeth which unite at the tips. Flowers unknown.