Annual herb, ± erect, 0.6(-1.0) m high; base sometimes woody, stems sturdy. Leaves narrowly linear, 10-30 x 0.5-1.3 mm, entire, sometimes denticulate, often with axillary leaf tufts. Flowers in a dense, terminal spike, over 200 mm long. Bracts ovate, acuminate, margins membranous, often stopping short of apex. Corolla ± white with orange fleck; lobes short, ± 1 mm long. Fruit narrowly oblong, splitting into 2 equal or unequal parts. Flowering time mostly Jan.
Subglabrous, erect annual to 60 cm, with ascending branches. Leaves linear and slightly toothed. Flowers white with red or orange marks, anthers subsessile, calyx glabrous; fruit oblong, upper mericarp shield-shaped.
Leaves 10–30(50) x 0.5–1.25 mm., narrowly linear, shortly hispid-bristly to subglabrous, usually entire but occasionally with one to few small indistinct teeth, frequently with smaller leaves in axils.
Corolla 10–12 mm. long, white or pale cream with orange throat; tube slender, glabrous; lobes about 1 mm. long, oblong to rounded.
Stems erect, somewhat woody, especially at base, branched; branches minutely pubescent to subglabrous, many-leaved.
Calyx c. 2 x 1 mm., shorter than bracts, ovate-oblong with 2 slender, parallel nerves.
Inflorescence spicate, up to 20 cm. long, longer in fruit, dense to somewhat more lax.
Bracts 3–4.25 mm. long, up to 2 mm. wide, ovate, acuminate, glabrous.
Capsule 3–5 mm. long, narrowly oblong in outline.
Annual herb, up to c. 60 cm. tall.