Virgate subshrub, stems 300-1000 mm tall, several from a stout woody caudex, simple or corymbosely branched above, thinly grey-felted, closely leafy but old parts often nude. Leaves 5-20 x 3-8 mm, smallest near the heads, elliptic, apex acute or subacute, black-mucronate, base cuneate into a short (1-2 mm) petiole, margins flat, both surfaces grey-felted with a yellowish tinge at least when dry. Heads homogamous, turbinate-campanulate, ±6 x 3 mm, many on short scaly peduncles in small or large corymbose-panicles. Involucral bracts in ±6 series, graded, imbricate, outer pale brown or reddish, cobwebby woolly, inner about equalling or slightly exceeding flowers, pale lemon-yellow, acute to very acute, erect or somewhat squarrose. Receptacle smooth or shortly honeycombed. Flowers 6-11. Achenes 1 mm long, with highly myxogenic duplex hairs. Pappus bristles many, equalling corolla, barbellate above bases cohering strongly by patent cilia, some light fusion in bundles as well. Flowering specimens have been collected in July, October and December, but July is probably the main month, and this would perhaps account for paucity of records.
Subshrub, 0.3-1.0 m high. Leaves 5-20 x 3-8 mm, elliptic, black-mucronate, petiole very short, both surfaces grey-felted with yellowish tinge. Heads turbinate-campanulate, in small or large corymbose-panicles. Flowers with inner involucral bracts pale lemon-yellow, outer pale brown or reddish; August to December and March to May.