Stems to 50 cm. or so; branchlets soon thickening to 4–10 mm. diameter, red-brown to purple, becoming silvery from detaching epidermis and then grey.. Leaves mostly alternate on long shoots, crowded on short shoots; petiole 1–10 mm. long, glandular-puberulous in the groove; lamina fleshy, oblanceolate-spathulate, 4–25 mm. long, 1.5–6 mm., subacute to rounded at the apex.. Racemes terminal on short shoots, secund, 1–5 cm. long, densely 10–20-flowered; pedicel 0–2 mm. long; bract ovate-triangular, 1–1.5 mm. long.. Receptacle 1–2 mm. long.. Calyx subentire to slightly toothed, glandular-ciliolate.. Corolla in bud linear, slightly swollen in lower one-fifth to one-eighth below insertion of the filaments and over anthers near the apex; petals pale greenish turning yellow, very narrowly linear-spathulate, looped near middle, 1.5–3 cm. long, notably thickened only at insertion of filaments.. Anthers 2–5 mm. long; filaments very much longer, pink to red, thickened at the base.. Style as long as petals.. Berry bright red, obovoid, 7 mm. long.