Dioecious tree. Leaves alternate, large, oblong, penninerved; petiole short. Stipules 0. Inflorescence short, cluster-like, axillary, on leafy or defoliate branchlets. Perianth segments little distinct between each other, in 2 whorls of 3, persistent. ♂ Flowers: stamens numerous, inserted inside the lobes of a rather narrow disk; anthers with a thick, apiculate connective. Rudiment of the ovary present. ♀ Flowers: antherless staminodes 1-seriate between the ovary and disk-lobes. Ovary unilocular, with 3-4, prominent, few-ovuled placentas. Style simple, shortish, thick; stigma large, somewhat oblique and recurved at the margin, obscurely 3-lobed. Berry rather large, many-seeded, crowned by the persistent style and stigma; pericarp coriaceous. Seeds exarillate, with thick albumen.