Subherbaceous annuals or short-lived perennials becoming woody at base; stems branching from base with many lateral, ascending branchlets; branchlets sometimes densely stellate but pubescence throughout is of stellate hairs intermixed to a greater or lesser degree with short, patent gland-tipped hairs and long, patent, pointed hairs. Stipules leafy, ovate-lanceolate, the upper larger, about 1.1 cm long (sometimes 2 cm long), 6-8 mm broad above base, gradually acuminate to a subacute apex, usually 3-nerved or faintly 5-nerved, entire or rarely unequally lobate, pubescent as on leaves and bracts. Leaves petiolate; blade varying in size, large ones more or less 6 cm long, 4 cm broad, ovate, ovate-oblong or ovate-lanceolate, shallowly cordate, rounded or broadly cuneate at base; lateral veins about 3, suberect, margins sinuate-crenate, upper surface rather laxly stellate-pubescent, more densely so on lower surface, sometimes with gland-tipped hairs or long, pointed hairs intermixed; petioles of varying lengths, the longer about 3 cm long, sometimes slightly swollen and kinked near the apex. Inflorescence of usually 2-flowered cymes, 3 usually developing successively in axils of leaves and crowded at apices of branches and branchlets to form leafy pseudopanicles; peduncles about 25 mm long, pedicels 5 mm long; bracts 3-5 at a node, sessile, narrowly ovate to linear, varying in size, up to 5 mm long and 1-2 mm broad near base, pubescent as on other parts. Calyx subinflated, campanulate, about 8 mm long, lobed to above the middle, obviously pubescent with three types of hairs, stellate, gland-tipped and long, patent, acute hairs. Petals cadmium-yellow (and do not turn red with maturity), twisted, about 9 mm long, upper third an oblong blade narrowing abruptly into a claw with broadly infolded margins, stellate-pubescent along sides of claw (not on margins). Stamens with hyaline filaments about 5 mm long and 1.5 mm broad near apex, narrowly obovate, ciliate on shoulders; anthers 3.5 mm long, acute, ciliate. Ovary very shortly (0.5 mm) stipitate, about 3 mm long, densely pubescent with stellate and long, pointed hairs, shortly 5-lobed at apex; styles cohering, acute, about 5 mm long. Capsule enclosed in persistent calyx and petals, 6 mm long, pubescence persistent; seeds several.
Suffrutex, 0.1-0.9 m high, branchlets ascending; hirsute with long-rayed, stellate hairs, intermixed with stipitate glands and patent, pointed hairs. Leaves petiolate, ovate to ovate-oblong; lateral veins ± 3, venation of upper surface sunken and glabrous, prominent and stellate-hairy on lower surface. Stipules whorled, leaf-like. Inflorescences terminal and axillary, usually of three 2-flowered cymes developing successively; peduncles ± 25 mm long; pedicels pubescent as on other parts. Flowers ± 10 mm long, cadmium-yellow. Calyx subinflated, campanulate, thin-textured, ivory-coloured, 5-lobed to above middle; pubescent with same 3 types of hairs as on branchlets. Petals twisted, oblong blade of upper 1/3 narrowing into a claw. Flowering time Mar., Sept.? Fruit a capsule, enclosed in persistent calyx.
Softly hairy, mealy, grey-green shrublet, up to 500 mm tall, sometimes erect and single-stemmed. Leaves long-petiolate, ovate to elliptic, toothed and crisped, with broad, leafy stipules. Flowers in terminal and axillary clusters, yellow, petals twisted, calyx reddish fading to cream, inflated.
Softly hairy, mealy, grey-green shrublet to 50 cm, sometimes erect and single-stemmed. Leaves long-petiolate, ovate to elliptic, toothed and crisped, with broad, leafy stipules. Flowers in terminal and axillary clusters, yellow, calyx reddish fading to cream-coloured, inflated.