Virgate suffrutex, 0.3-3.0 m high; new growth densely stellate-pubescent, intermingled with tufted hairs on raised bases. Leaves petiolate, cuneate, toothed in upper half; stellate-pubescent, interspersed with tufted hairs. Stipules smaller in lower parts of plant, increasing in size to upper parts of plant. Inflorescences of crowded bracteate cymes at apices of branchlets; bracts large, 3-or more-nerved from base; peduncles 4-9 mm long; indumentum of pedicels as above. Flowers 10 mm long, ± lemon-yellow. Calyx lemon-yellow, inflated, oblong-globose, narrowed at mouth, 5-lobed almost to halfway; stellate-pubescent. Petals narrowly oblong, narrowed into claw. Flowering time Aug.-Apr. Fruit a capsule enclosed in persistent calyx.
An erect shrub. It grows 15-150 cm tall. The stems are slender and woody. They are hairy. The leaves are simple and have stalks. They are oblong and broader in the upper half. There are teeth at the tip. They are hairy. The flowers are in clusters at the ends of branches. The flowers have an inflated calyx. The petals are yellow and 15 mm long. The fruit is a capsule enclosed in a calyx.
Stiffly erect, twiggy shrub to 2 m. Leaves mealy, oblanceolate to cuneate, toothed above. Flowers in dense, terminal clusters, cream-coloured to pale yellow, throat narrow and petals spreading, calyx much inflated and urn-shaped.