Subherbaceous perennial, about 30 cm tall or, if protected, taller, stems 1 to several from a woody base (or many after being heavily grazed), erect or spreading-ascending, sparsely branched above, silvery canescent with strigose and appressed stellate pubescence, the stallate hairs from a central, silvery scale, often minute, gland-tipped hairs present. Stipules subfleshy, up to 10 mm long, ovate to ovate-oblong, broadly to narrowly so, often cordate at the base and oblique, silvery appressed stellate-pubescent. Leaves basal and cauline, petiolate; blade variable in shape and degree of lobing, broadly to narrowly ovate-oblong in outline, from coarsely lobed to pinnatipartite, bipinnatipartite or palmatipartite, silvery stellate pubescent to thinly so, lobes obtuse and decurrent; petiole 2-12 mm long. Inflorescence of 1-to 2-flowered cymes, terminal and in axils of upper leaves, forming racemose cymes; peduncles suberect, 5-30 cm long, rarely longer, appressed stellate-pubescent and often with scattered, minute, gland-tipped hairs; pedicels short, 1-6 mm long, nodding; bracts like stipules but usually smaller; bracteoles usually 3, 1-2 mm long. Calyx up to 5 mm long, campanulate, thin-textured, silvery stellate without, and usually with scattered, minute, reddish, gland-tipped hairs, lobed to almost halfway, sinuses wide. Petals usually under 10 mm long, “khaki yellow”, “indigo to cream”, “dirty yellow turning golden brown”, tightly curled (flowers appear half closed and truncate on dried specimens), orbicular to oblong-orbicular, narrowing in lower half to a claw with infolded margins, apparently glabrous. Stamens about 5 mm long with hyaline oblong-obovate filaments glabrous in specimens dissected; anthers about 2-5 mm long, slightly shorter than filaments, ciliate. Ovary about 2.5 mm big, stellate-pubescent, 5-lobed; stipe short, up to 0.75 mm long; styles 4.5 mm long. Capsule up to 8 m n long, appressed stellate-pubescent especially along sutures, remains of perianth persisting at base only.
Suffrutex, spreading-ascending, ± 0.3 m long; silvery canescent with fringed, pitted scales, minute gland-tipped hairs often present. Leaves petiolate, shape and lobing variable, ± ovate-oblong, coarsely lobed to bipinnatipartite; upper surface with scattered, pitted scales, lower surface silvery canescent. Stipules subfleshy, ± 10 mm long. Inflorescences of 1-or 2-flowered cymes often forming racemose cymes; peduncles 50-300 mm long; pedicels with pitted scales and gland-tipped hairs. Flowers up to 10 mm long, dirty yellow turning golden-brown. Calyx campanulate, thin-textured, 5-lobed to almost halfway, sinuses wide; silvery stellate with scattered, reddish, gland-tipped hairs. Petals suborbicular narrowing into a claw, contorted. Flowering time July-Mar. Fruit ± 8 mm long capsule, appressed stellate-pubescent.
Perennial herb, ± 0.3 m high. Stems erect or spreading-ascending; silvery canescent. Leaves petiolate; blade broadly to narrowly ovate-oblong, margins coarsely lobed to pinnatipartite, bipinnatipartite or palmitipartite, silvery. Flowers: in 1-or 2-flowered, terminal or axillary cymes, forming racemose cymes; calyx campanulate; petals tightly curled, dull yellow turning golden-brown; Oct.-Dec.
Sparsely branched, ± herbaceous perennial, up to 300 mm tall, from a woody base, branches silvery with fringed pitted scales. Leaves mostly near base, ovate-oblong, coarsely toothed to deeply divided, silvery stellate-pubescent. Flowers 1 or paired at branch tips and in upper leaf axils, dirty yellow, calyx silvery.
Grey-mealy, gnarled shrublet from woody base, mostly to 40 cm. Leaves 1-or 2-pinnatisect. Flowers few, on slender, naked peduncles, yellow to red, tightly furled.