Perennial herb, up to 0.2 m high; stems and leaves with crisped multicellular hairs, young growth also with stellate hairs. Stems procumbent, spreading. Leaves petiolate; blade narrowly ovate, to narrowly oblong-ovate, margins serrate or crenate, upper and lower surfaces with glabrescent hairs. Flowers: paired on axillary peduncles; calyx campanulate; petals yellow, pink or red; Oct.-May.
Leaf-lamina up to 7 × 2·4 cm., narrowly oblong to oblong-lanceolate, apex obtuse, margin serrate or crenate sometimes coarsely so, base broadly cuneate, pubescent on both surfaces; petiole up to 7 mm. long; stipules up to 1·1 × 0·5 cm., lanceolate-acuminate, variously incised or entire.
Prostrate perennial herb. Stems and leaves with crisped multicellular hairs. Young growth also with stellate hairs. Leaves ovate-elliptic to narrowly elliptic, margin serrate. Inflorescence a 2-flowered cyme. Flowers yellow.
Prostrate spreading perennial herb with its vegetative parts stellately pubescent or sometimes also with glandular hairs; branches sparsely pubescent, up to c. 50 cm. long.
Flowers usually paired on axillary peduncles; peduncle slender, up to 2 cm. long; pedicels up to 1·3 cm. long, slender; bracts c. 3 × 1·5 mm., lanceolate, connate below.
Calyx up to 7 × 7 mm., campanulate, pubescent with simple or stellate hairs, with narrowly deltoid lobes up to 5 mm. long.
Stamens with cruciform-tuberculate pilose filaments c. 2·5 mm. long; anthers c. 6 mm. long, pubescent.
Ovary ellipsoid, pubescent; styles c. 6 mm. long, pubescent in the lower 2/3.
Petals c. 8 × 3 mm., yellow, pink or red, narrowly elliptic to elliptic.
Seeds c. 1·5 × 1 mm., dark grey-brown, subreniform.
Capsule c. 8 × 6 mm., ellipsoid, thinly pubescent.