Stamens fused into a tube for about half their length, less than half as long as the perianth, with no free pseudostaminodes, the free portions of the tube rounded into the antheriferous apex or the latter longer than the short blunt teeth on each side of it.
Erect annual herb, c. 0.2–0.75 m. tall, simple to considerably branched from the base or in the upper half only, branches at c. 30 degrees from the stem, stem and branches more or less angled, striate, moderately furnished with multicellular hairs.
Inflorescences terminal on the stem and branches, whitish, very densely spicate and remaining so in fruit, 1.5–7×1.25–1.5 cm., the axis (not visible until fruit-fall) more or less densely furnished with whitish, multicellular hairs.
Capsule c. 5–6 mm. long, circumcissile, the apex rather shortly narrowed to the style and sometimes with a slight shoulder, glabrous or rarely (not in the Flora Zambesiaca area?) with a few colourless papillose hairs.
Tepals narrowly elliptic, 5–7 mm. long, glabrous, all more or less similar, with narrow hyaline margins, a shortly excurrent midrib, a pair of long lateral veins and 1–2 shorter pairs.
Ovary 10–18-ovulate, rounded above; stigmas 3, spreading or recurved and shorter than the finally exserted, 1.5–2 mm. long style.
Seeds c. 1 mm. in diam.