Plants up to 500 mm high. Leaves 4 or 5, lower 3 basal and longest, up to 200 mm long, upper 1 or 2 sheathing stem. Spike mostly 6-to 15(-18)-flowered; outer bract mostly 9-12 mm long. Flowers pale pink; perianth tube 6-10 mm long; tepals mostly 12-16(-18) x 4-5 mm.
Cormous herb, up to 0.75 m high. Leaves mostly 2.5-1.0 mm broad. Anthers mostly 5.0-8.5 mm long, rarely 4.5 mm. Perianth tube 6.0-2.5 mm long. Tepals subequal, 12-16(-18) x 4-5 mm. Flowers bright magenta-pink.