Plants mostly 180-250 mm high. Corm bell-shaped with flat base; tunics dark brown, softly woody, margins minutely toothed, outer layers irregularly broken. Stem unbranched, flaccid and inclined. Leaves 4, lower 2 basal, ± linear, flaccid, ± falcate, blades 60-80 x 3-4 mm, third leaf inserted shortly above ground and sheathing stem for most of its length, uppermost leaf bract-like, inserted on upper 1/3 of stem, entirely sheathing. Spike 2-to 4-flowered, bracts mostly 12-15 mm long, pale green, evidently becoming dry and pale straw-coloured during flowering, inner with 2 green keels, narrowed distally and tips sometimes recurved. Flowers evidently diurnal, white, tepals without darker colouring on reverse, remaining cupped when fully open, sweetly scented; perianth tube narrowly funnel-shaped, 12-14 mm long; tepals subequal, elliptic, 12-14 x 4 mm. Filaments ± 3 mm long; anthers 6-8 mm long, pale yellow; pollen yellow. Style branches ± 7 mm long, diverging.