Perennial herb, geophyte, 0.3-0.5 m; corm turbinate, tunics concentric; stem erect, simple or 1-branched. Leaves 4, lower 2 basal, the other inserted on lower part of stem, sheathing, developed leaves straight to slightly falcate, margins thickened; midrib raised but flattened, secondary veins clearly visible. Inflorescence a 3-6-flowered spike; flowers reddish; perianth tube 5-7 mm long, dilated in throat; tepals subequal, elliptic, subacute, snow-white or rarely cream-coloured, outer tepals flushed with pink or red outside, opening in sunlight. Stamens exserted; filaments 2-3 mm long. Flowering time Nov.-Feb.
Cormous herb, up to 0.75 m high. Perianth tube 5-7 mm long. Seeds about as long as broad. Outer bracts 9.5-15.0 mm long, green often tipped reddish. Flowers snow-white or more rarely slightly creamy.