Plant rooted in the mud. Leaves erect, long-petioled; blade cordate, 1-6 cm. long and broad, apex acute or obtuse. Spathe 1-3 cm. long, caudate-tipped, en-sheathing only the lowest flower. Inflorescence long-spicate, to 10 cm. long, about 10-flowered, the lower 1 to few flowers cleistogamous. Flowers white, about 1 cm. long, the tube 0.3-0.7 cm. long; stamens dimorphic and unequal, larger anther 3 mm. long, the smaller ones 2 mm. long, filaments dilated toward their base, adnate to the tube; style protruding beyond the tube, stigma capitate. Cleistogamous capsules larger than the upper ones, 0.6-1.0 cm. long; seeds ellipsoid, 0.3-0.4 mm. long, 0.2 mm. wide, longitudinally ridged.