Heteromorpha involucrata Conrath


Angiosperms > Apiales > Apiaceae > Heteromorpha


Perennial herb with a woody rootstock, 0.9–1.4(–2.4) m. tall; stems stout, few to numerous, strongly sulcate-striate above, terete below, glabrous or shortly pilose, with long, slender, ascending branches.. Main stem leaves sometimes ternate on short petioles with segments ± 2.75–8 × 0.4–3 cm., sometimes pinnate with 1–2 pairs of pinnae (the lowest pair sometimes further irregularly trisect or pinnatifid) and a trifid terminal segment which has the basal margins decurrent along the leaf-axis, segments oblong, mucronate, 1.5–10.5 × 0.6–3 cm., ± crenulate, narrowed to the base, shortly hairy along the margins and usually both dorsal and ventral surfaces of the midrib (dorsal surface sometimes glabrous or almost so), hairs simple or at least some set singly or a few together on a tubercle; uppermost stem and branch leaves much reduced, simple or bi–tri-fid or-sect; petiole up to ± 5 cm. long in the lower stem leaves; sheath very short and broad, usually ciliate, not much exceeding the width of the subtended branch when one is present, the base not surrounding the stem or almost so.. Umbels on 5–12(–20) cm. long peduncles (that of the terminal umbels stout, those of the branch umbels more slender), glabrous or finely hairy; rays of the usually clearly larger terminal umbel (18–)22–55 (sometimes one ray set slightly or considerably below the umbel with an individual bract), glabrous to hirtellous, 2.5–11 cm.; rays of branch umbels (8–)14–28, also glabrous to hirtellous, 1–5 cm.; involucral bracts of terminal umbel 4–8, irregular, green, linear to broadly elliptical or trisect and leaf-like, 0.5–5.5 cm., indumentum similar to that of the leaves; involucral bracts of branch-umbels 6–8, smaller, 0.5–2.5 cm.; partial umbels of terminal umbel ± 20–28-flowered, pedicels 7–12 mm.; those of branch umbels ± 12–28-flowered, pedicels 2–8 mm.; all pedicels glabrous or more often hirtellous; bracteoles of terminal and branch umbels 6–8, green, ciliate to hirtellous, linear to lanceolate-oblong, ± 1.5–3 mm.. Sepals conspicuous, narrowly deltoid-lanceolate, acute, ± 0.75–1 mm., glabrous, pale-margined.. Petals yellow or sometimes greenish yellow, elliptic-oblong, ± 1 mm., glabrous with a dark central vitta.. Ovary glabrous.. Fruit oblong-elliptic to obpyriform in outline, 6–8 × 3–5 mm., trigonous in vertical view, rounded and ± emarginate into the pedicel, glabrous, stramineous with dark vittae reaching 2/3–3/4 to the base of the valleculae, not rarely with smaller vittae in the tips of the ribs (both winged and unwinged), unwinged ribs prominent and up to half the length of the winged ribs; stylopodia long-conical, firm, ± 1 mm.; styles 0.75–1 mm., variably divergent.
Perennial herb with a woody rootstock, 0.9-1.4(-2.4) m tall; stems stout, few to numerous, strongly sulcate-striate above, terete below, glabrous or shortly pilose, with long, slender, ascending branches. Main stem leaves sometimes ternate on short petioles with segments ±2.75-8 x 0.4-3 cm, sometimes pinnate with 1-2 pairs of pinnae (the lowest pair sometimes further irregularly trisect or pinnatifid) and a trifid terminal segment which has the basal margins decurrent along the leaf-axis, segments oblong, mucronate, 1.5-10.5 x 0.6-3 cm, ± crenulate, narrowed to the base, shortly hairy along the margins and usually both dorsal and ventral surfaces of the midrib (dorsal surface sometimes glabrous or almost so), hairs simple or at least some set singly or a few together on a tubercle; uppermost stem and branch leaves much reduced, simple orbi-tri-fid or-sect; petiole up to ±5 cm long in the lower stem leaves; sheath very short and broad, usually ciliate, not much exceeding the width of the subtended branch when one is present, the base not surrounding the stem or almost so. Umbels on 5-12(-20) cm long peduncles (that of the terminal umbels stout, those of the branch umbels more slender), glabrous or finely hairy; rays of the usually clearly larger terminal umbel (18-)22-55 (sometimes one ray set slightly or considerably below the umbel with an individual bract), glabrous to hirtellous, 2.5-11 cm; rays of branch umbels (8-)14-28, also glabrous to hirtellous, 1-5 cm; involucral bracts of terminal umbel 4-8, irregular, green, linear to broadly elliptical or trisect and leaf-like, 0.5-5.5 cm, indumentum similar to that of the leaves; involucral bracts of branch-umbels 6-8, smaller, 0.5-2.5 cm; partial umbels of terminal umbel ±20-28-flowered, pedicels 7-12 mm; those of branch umbels ±12-28-flowered, pedicels 2-8 mm; all pedicels glabrous or more often hirtellous; bracteoles of terminal and branch umbels 6-8, green, ciliate to hirtellous, linear to lanceolate-oblong, ±1.5-3 mm Sepals conspicuous, narrowly deltoid-lanceolate, acute, ±0.75-1 mm, glabrous, pale-margined. Petals yellow or sometimes greenish yellow, elliptic-oblong, ±1 mm, glabrous with a dark central vitta. Ovary glabrous. Fruit oblong-elliptic to obpyriform in outline, 6-8 x 3-5 mm, trigonous in vertical view, rounded and ± emarginate into the pedicel, glabrous, stramineous with dark vittae reaching 2/3-3-8to the base of the valleculae, not rarely with smaller vittae in the tips of the ribs (both winged and unwinged), unwinged ribs prominent and up to half the length of the winged ribs; stylopodia long-conical, firm, ±1 mm; styles 0.75-1 mm, variably divergent.
Suffrutex to woody shrub, 0.4-1.8 m tall. Stems simple or weakly branched; smooth to longitudinally grooved, glabrous to pilose. Pith variable in thickness. Bark absent or weakly developed. Leaves with a maximum length of 4.7-28.5 cm, distinctly petiolate to subsessile, petioles 0.5-94 mm long, semiterete, rarely terete, usually widely or deeply sulcate, often carinate, glabrous to pilose; outline variable, trisect to pinnately and/or pedately compound, or bipinnatifid, terminal segment often bi-or tripartite. Incision usually decursive, second order incision never complete. Pinnae elliptic to very narrowly elliptic, ovate or obovate, up to 35-65 x 5-30 mm; apex acute to obtuse or rounded; margins entire or somewhat crenulate, papillate to ciliolate; base attenuate to cuneate; at least abaxial and/or adaxial midrib and margins usually pilose, rarely glabrous, some trichomes, often clustered, set on low undulations or slight to pronounced tubercles, trichomes usually conical. Inflorescence a single compound umbel or a lax panicle of few to numerous compound umbels, inflorescence leaves often reduced in size; main florescence of (16-)22-68 rays, 2.5-4.2(-7.5) cm long and (8-)13-24(-30) raylets, 2-6(-10) mm long, often larger than the lateral umbels. Involucral bracts small to broad and conspicuous (usually more than two foliose bracts), then sometimes dissected. Petals cream-coloured to greenish yellow, higher than, or as high as broad, abaxial surface often with short, conical or cylindrical trichomes. Stylopodium, sometimes sparsely pilose at the rim, or at the bases of the styles. Fruit glabrous or usually lightly pilose, oval to broadly obovoid, 3-7(-9) x 2-4(-5) mm, with well developed (half-winged) petaline ribs, secondary ribs occasionally present; vittae solitary [and conspicuous] in the valleculae, two on the commissure, occasional small vittae also not infrequently occurring in the tips of the ribs or part way along them.
Subshrub, 0.5-0.7 m high. Lower surface of midrib pilose (sometimes only sparingly so), many hairs here and on margins set on low tubercles. Large foliose bracts generally present beneath main umbel. Flowers pale yellow.
Life form perennial
Growth form
Growth support free-standing
Foliage retention -
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 0.45 - 1.25
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 9-12


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Heteromorpha involucrata world distribution map, present in Angola, Mozambique, Malawi, eSwatini, Tanzania, United Republic of, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe

Conservation status

Heteromorpha involucrata threat status: Least Concern


LSID urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:843264-1
WFO ID wfo-0000721328
Wikipedia (EN)
Wikipedia (FR)


Heteromorpha involucrata Heteromorpha kassneri