Woody scrambler, with recurved prickles on stem. Bracts of epicalyx forked. Stipules narrow, linear to subulate, not amplexicaul. Peduncle 10-60 mm long. Flowers yellow or terracotta, sometimes with dark centre.
A woody scrambler over bushes; stems nearly 10m. long, aculeate with prickles recurved and swollen at the base, otherwise nearly glabrous or with longitudinal lines or areas of crisped pubescence.
Calyx 2–3 cm. long; lobes 13–22 × 6–10 mm., lanceolate, acute, joined at the base for 4–10 mm., setose on the midrib and margins, transversely ribbed in fruit.
Flowers up to 10 cm. in diam., yellow or terracotta, sometimes with a dark centre, solitary, axillary; peduncle 1–6 cm. long.
Epicalyx of about 7 bracts; bracts c. 15 mm. long, forked, the outer branch somewhat reflexed.
Seeds 4 × 3 mm., subreniform, with whitish irregularly discoid scales 0·1–0·2 mm. in diam.
Staminal tube c. 14 mm. long; free parts of filaments 0·5–1 mm. long.
Capsule 20 × 18 mm., densely appressed-setose.
Petals up to 6 × 5 cm., obovate.
Style-branches 4–5 mm. long.