Small rainforest trees to 15 m tall, with one or more usually unbranched stems arising from ground level. Intermediate and adult leaves alternate, pinnate to basally pinnate, with a winged rachis, but becoming deeply pinnatifid towards tip, serrate; venation of lobes and pinnae semicraspedodromus. Conflorescence axillary, cauliflorous, pendulous, unbranched; flowers paired with pairs pedunculate, bracteate. Flowers actinomorphic, bisexual, sessile to pedicillate, ebracteate; floral orientation anteroposterior. Tepals not coherent, revolute. Staminal filaments almost completely adnate to tepals; anthers free, oblong, apiculate. Hypogynous glands 4, free, fleshy, truncate. Ovary sessile; style filiform, terminated by an ovoid pollen presenter; stigma terminal. Fruit ellipsoidal to ovoid, indehiscent; outer pericarp succulent; inner pericarp bony. Seed 1, wingless, fleshy.