Slender woody twiner. Leaves 1-pinnate, with (1—)2(—3) pairs of entire leaflets. Racemes (?axillary or) terminal. Pedicels bracteolate. Flowers scattered. Calyx cupular, articulated with the pedicel, short-or indistinctly 5-lobed, just below the margin with 5 spur-like, upcurved teeth at the base of each lobe, each tooth with a few glands on each side of its base. Corolla zygomorphic, the basal narrowed tube c. ⅓ of its length, ± geniculate with the upper ⅔ which is widened, flattened, and gently curved; lobes subequal, suborbicular, finely capitate-glandular, papillose-hairy outside at base. Stamens 4, didynamous, inserted at the end of the basal tube, included, 5th rudimentary; anthers connivent in pairs, divaricate, connective apiculate. Disk entire, pulvinate-annular, fleshy. Ovary ovate, subterete, with 2 grooves, microscopically glandular; ovules in ± two rows of 3-4 in each cell.