Flowers salmon-coloured, in axillary racemes c. 12 cm. long borne near the ends of the branches and appearing before the leaves; pedicels 3–4 mm. long, articulated near the apex.
Leaf-lamina up to 16 × 18 cm., chartaceous, very broadly cordate-ovate, obtuse at the apex, margin undulate or entire, 7-nerved from the base; petiole up to 30 cm. long.
Fruiting carpels 5·5 × 2 cm., on an elongated gynophore up to 3 cm. long, elliptic, purplish, membranaceous, glabrous, with basal stipes up to 1 cm. long.
Female flowers: ovary ovoid, glabrous; gynophore c. 7 mm. long, densely pubescent except near the apex; stigma-lobes recurved, subsessile.
Shrub c. 2 m. tall or sometimes a tree up to 12 m. tall, glabrous in all parts (except for the corolla and seeds); bark greyish.
Male flowers: androphore up to 2·6 cm. long, pubescent except on the exserted portion.
Seeds 1–2, c. 0·7 cm. in diam., globose, pubescent.