Shrubs to 1.5 m tall, probably unbranched, the hairs densely ferrugineous and arachnoid flocculose. Leaves oblong rotund to obovate oblong, to 25 cm long, to 15 cm wide, briefly acuminate at the apex, cuneate to rounded at the base, the costa immersed above, prominulous to plano compressed beneath, the lateral veins 12-25, widely arcuate to substrict, chartaceous, discolorous, drying brown, usually foveolate above, the hairs diffuse, to 5 mm long, often calcified at the base, confined to veins and venules; petioles to 4.5 cm long, conspicuously in-flated for most of their length, the inflations to 1 cm wide, located nearer the blade than the node, densely ferrugineous flocculose; stipules not seen. Inflores-cences to 5 cm long, the peduncles to 2 cm long or absent, the flowers numerous in densely bracteate axillary heads, these rounded or compressed rotund, the bracts linear lanceolate, to 1.5 cm long, .0.3-1.5 mm wide, with 1-2 irregular ascending submarginal veins, the margins glandular pectinate ciliate, the hairs to 4 mm long. Flowers yellow; pedicels to 4 mm long, glabrous; hypanthium oblong, truncate, glabrous, delicately 4-ribbed, the calycine lobes 4-5, unequal in length and width, lanceolate, 7.5-10 mm long, tapering above the middle, 1.5-2 mm wide, the hairs ferrugineous, marginal, to 2 mm long, usually densely aggregated above the middle, with a minute gland at junction of adjacent calycine lobes; corolla with the tube cylindrical, to 20 mm long, glabrous, the lobes 4, shorter than the tube, hirsute outside; stamens 4-5, the anthers oblong, ca. 4.5 mm long, the filament ca. 0.3 mm long, the connective not produced at the apex or base, the style slender, the stigmas clavate, spreading at maturity, wider than and about 1/4 the length of the style, Fruits oblong rotund, to 5 mm long, ca. 4.5 mm wide, delicately ribbed, the ribs ca. 10, the-pericarp thin walled, the raphides abundant, the hairs deciduous; the persistent calycine lobes 4, linear lanceolate, to 10 mm long, the hairs deciduous in patches; seeds rectangular to cuneate, coarsely re-ticulate.