Plants erect, scape with bracts, stout with short reflexed hairs, 150-500 mm high; leaves glabrous. Flowers dimorphic. Sepals glabrous, 2.5-5 x 1-2.5 mm. Petals divided into 5-10 filiform lobes, these longer on upper than on lower flowers of the spike, lobes carnose, petals 3-18 x 1-3.5 mm, cream-coloured. Lip divided into 5-13 carnose, filiform lobes, lobes longer on upper than on lower flowers of the spike, 3-9 x 1.5-4 mm, cream-coloured; spur curved, smaller on upper than on lower flowers, 3-6 mm long. Anther theªcae pale chestnut to tan in colour.
Slender, tuberous geophyte to 50 cm, scape thinly hairy. Leaves 2, basal, ovate. Flowers many in a dense raceme, dimorphic, upper flowers with much longer petals and lip lobes, sepals green, petals and lip cream-coloured, petals with 5-10 filiform lobes, lip spurred and divided into 5-13 filiform lobes.