Terrestrial herb, geophyte with root tubers, up to 0.16 m high. Scape thinly hairy. Leaves 2, flat on ground, up to 20 mm wide, not withering before flowering. Inflorescence a dense, thinly hairy raceme; flowers secund, 3-8, white. Sepals subequal, connivent; dorsal sepal 1.5 mm long. Petals lanceolate, 2 mm long. Lip 3-4 mm long, deeply lobed with 3-7 unequal lobes; spur 1 mm long. Flowering time Sept., Oct.
Slender, tuberous geophyte to 16 cm, scape thinly hairy. Leaves 2, basal, ovate, fleshy. Flowers in a condensed raceme, sepals green, petals and lip white, petals entire, lip spurred and with 7 broad lobes.