Terrestrial herb, geophyte or lithophyte with root tubers, 0.06-0.30 m high. Scape minutely hairy. Leaves 2, flat on ground, up to 40 mm wide, glabrous, dark green with silvery veins, not withering before flowering. Inflorescence a lax, thinly hairy raceme; flowers secund, many, green sepals, white petals purple-veined, white lip. Sepals subequal, connivent; dorsal sepal 3 mm long. Petals lanceolate, 5-6 mm long. Lip 9-11 mm long, with 3 short front lobes and 2 long side lobes; spur 4-5 mm long. Flowering time Feb.-June.
Terrestrial herb, up to 300 mm tall. Leaves dark green with a silvery network, not withered at flowering time. Outermost lobe of lip on either side longer than central lobes. Flowers with green sepals, white petals and purple-veined white lips.
Inflorescence 6–11 cm long, up to 20-flowered, flowers secund; ovary 6 mm long; bracts 4–5 mm long, lanceolate, acuminate.
Lip 7–12 × 3.5–5 mm, with 1 pair of lobes 1–2 mm long near base; mid-lobe 4–6 mm long, cuneate with 3 shallow teeth.
Leaves 2, appressed to ground, 3–6.5 × 1.5–4.2 cm, ovate, glabrous, dark green with whitish veining.
Flowers white with 5 purple lines on lip, one running to each lobe.
Sepals green, sparsely hairy, 2.5–3 × 1 mm, ovate.
Petals 3–5 × 1 mm, lanceolate, acute, erect.
Scape sparsely hairy, without sheaths.
Tubers up to 20 × 15 mm, ovoid.
Terrestrial herb 10–26 cm tall.
Spur 2–2.8 mm long, conical.