Inflorescence 2–8 cm long, fairly densely 2– to many-flowered, flowers secund; ovary 3 mm long; bracts 1–4 mm long, ovate, pubescent.
Leaves 2, appressed to ground, 10–23 × 7–33 mm, orbicular to reniform, pilose above.
Petals 2.5–6 mm long, densely papillose, 3-lobed to about one third of the length.
Sepals green or purplish, 1.7–3 × 1.3–1.4 mm, ovate, long ciliate.
Flowers white, non-resupinate, c. 6 mm long including ovary.
Lip 2.5–5 mm long, similar to petals but with 5–7 lobes.
Scape without sheaths, with long spreading hairs.
Spur 1.5–3 mm long, conical, obscure, straight.
Tubers 2, up to 13 × 8 mm, ovoid.
Terrestrial herb 9–32 cm tall.
Anther 1 mm high.
Ovary pubescent.