Plants erect, scape without bracts, densely pilose with long hairs at right angles to scape, 110-340 mm high; leaves often withered at anthesis, mod-erately to densely pilose with long hairs. Inflores-cences strongly secund. Flowers: Sepals glabrous or with a few long hairs, 1.5-4 x 1-2 mm. Petals trilobed, lobes carnose, 3-11 x 0.5-2.5 mm, cream or pinkish cream, sometimes wine-coloured. Lip divided into 5-12 carnose lobes, 3-13 x 1.5-4.5 mm, colour as for petals; spur curved, 1-4.5 mm long.
Herb, up to 340 mm high. Leaves moderately to densely pilose, flat on ground. Flowers: spur Vi-1 x length of lip; lip divided into 5-12 carnose lobes; petals divided into 3 narrow lobes; perianth cream-coloured or pinkish cream-coloured, sometimes wine-coloured; Sep.-Nov.
Terrestrial herb, up to 340 mm tall. Leaves moderately to densely pilose, flat on ground. Spur 0.25-1.00 times the length of lip. Lip divided into 5-12 carnose lobes. Flowers cream or pinkish cream, sometimes wine-coloured.