Terrestrial herb, geophyte with root tubers, robust, 0.07-0.25 m high. Scape with deflexed hairs. Leaves 2, flat on ground, up to 14 mm wide, scattered broad hairs above, withering before flowering. Inflorescence lax to dense, hairy raceme; flowers secund, many, yellowish green. Sepals subequal, connivent; dorsal sepal 3-4 mm long. Petals linear-lanceolate, 4-5 mm long. Lip unequally 3-lobed, 4-6 mm long; spur 1 mm long. Flowering time Jan.-Mar.
Herb, up to 250 mm high. Leaves with dense, stiff, curved hairs above; withered when flowering. Flowers: many; hairs on flowering stem deflexed; petals 4-5 mm, linear to lanceolate, undivided; midlobe of lip 2 x as long as 2 side lobes; perianth yellowish green; Jan.-Mar.