Lip 4–6 mm long, cuneate or oblong, adnate to column at base, 3-lobed, the lobes similar to the petal lobes but slightly shorter.
Leaf 1, appressed to ground, 7–15 × 7–15 mm, orbicular to reniform, glabrous, more or less withered at flowering time.
Scape with retrorse hairs at the base, glabrous towards the apex and with 2–3 bract-like leaves.
Inflorescence laxly 2–10-flowered, flowers ± secund; ovary 5–7 mm long; bracts 2.5 mm long.
Sepals green, 2–2.5 × 1.25–2 mm, ovate, acute or apiculate, the lateral sepals oblique.
Petals 4–5 × 2–6 mm, 3-lobed; lobes 2–3.5 mm long, acute, very shortly papillose.
Spur 3–4 mm long, slender, tapering, straight or slightly incurved.
Flowers white, sometimes tinged with lilac.
Terrestrial herb 5–11 cm tall.
Tubers 10–20 × 5–10 mm, ovoid.
Anther c. 2 mm tall.