Rigid shrubs, with pungent, linear-or subulate leaves. Heads sessile, axillary or terminal. Leaves semiterete, entire; heads crowded; involucral scales glabrous; leaves horizontally spreading, subulate, semiterete, furrowed, quite entire; invol. scales broadly oblong, very obtuse, shortly mucronate, quite glabrous; heads sessile in the upper axils and several-crowded at the ends of the branches. Heads few-(5-6)flowered, homogamous. Involucre ovate-oblong, closely imbricate, its scales broad, obtuse, spinous-mucronate, scarious or horny. Receptacle narrow, fimbrilliferous. Corolla glabrous, tubular, deeply and equally 5-cleft, the lobes linear. Filaments smooth. Anthers linear, sagittate. Stigmata 2, filiform, very long, bristly throughout. Achenes thick, subtrigonous, densely hairy, slightly contracted under the pappus. Pappus in many rows, persistent, scabrous, the outer paleae bristle-shaped, the inner subulate-acuminate. A much-branched, rigid suffrutex: branches and leaves divaricate. Leaves 1-2 inches long, pungent, 1-2 lines wide. Invol. 1/2 inch long, of many close-pressed, horny, wide-margined scales. Pappus fulvous. Corolla pale.
Glabrous; leaves horizontally spreading, subulate, semiterete, furrowed, quite entire; invol. scales broadly oblong, very obtuse, shortly mucronate, quite glabrous; heads sessile in the upper axils and several-crowded at the ends of the branches.
Rigid, spiny shrub, up to 1 m tall, with finely grooved stems. Leaves linear, hard, widely spreading, spine-like. Flowerheads discoid, sessile, clustered in leaf axils near branch tips; involucral bracts glabrous, horny; disc yellow.
Rigid, spiny shrub to 1 m. Leaves linear, hard and spine-like. Flower heads discoid, sessile in small, terminal clusters, yellow.