Tree 10-18 m. Twigs grey-brown or straw, (2-)3-4 mm diameter, thinly with dull to dark rusty scaly-stellate hairs 0.1 mm high, soon glabrescent; bark (coarsely) striate, pale to grey-brown, neither cracking nor flaking; lenticels absent to many (see the note), inconspicuous. Leaves thinly chartaceous, extremely brittle when dry, oblong(-lanceo-late), (9—)13—18 by (3.5-)4-7.5 cm, base attenuate, apex ± short-attenuate or acute-acuminate; upper surface drying olivaceous to dark brown, lower surface early glabrescent (glabrous), drying bright brown; dots absent; midrib above flat, very slender; nerves 10-13 pairs, above flat, inconspicuous, lines of interarching indistinct; venation indistinct on both surfaces; petiole 10-15 by 2-3 mm, drying dark brown, contrasting with the pale twigs; leaf bud 10 by 2 mm, with dense, dull, scale-like hairs to 0.1 mm. Male and female inflorescences and flowers not known (but see the note). Infructescences rather stout, short, little or not branched, 1.5-3.5 cm long, early glabrescent, with 1 or 2 (or 3) fruits. Fruits subglobose or ellipsoid, glabrous, drying (blackish) brown, somewhat wrinkled and at most with few wart-like lenticels, 5.5-8(-9) by 4-6.5 cm; pericarp 10-20 mm thick; fruiting pedicel 2-5 mm long; aril laciniate at apex for 1/4-1/5; perianth not persistent.