Shrubs or small trees. Stipules lanceolate and persistent (absent or very early caducous in New Caledonian species). Leaves usually glabrous on both surfaces (lanate beneath in some New Caledonian species), with a pair of, often obscure, marginal glands towards the base, without stomatal cavities; petioles eglan-dular. Inflorescence a few-flowered terminal or axially raceme of cymules. Bracts and bracteoles small, persistent, not enclosing the flowers in small groups. Flowers hermaphrodite, slightly zygomorphic. Receptacle campanu-late, slightly asymmetric, shortly puberulous on exterior, densely pubescent within. Calyx lobes 5, acute. Petals 5, small, not exceeding calyx lobes, not clawed. Stamens 5-9, not exceeding calyx lobes, unilateral with 3-7 stami-nodes opposite. Ovary inserted midway up receptacle, densely hairy on exterior; carpel bilocular with one ovule in each loculus. Style truncate but distinctly 3-lobed at apex. Fruit small, fleshy, bilocular or often with one loculus underdeveloped; epicarp smooth, not ridged, not lenticellate; mesocarp thin, fleshy; endocarp thin, hard, bony, with a smooth surface, interior very hairy, with 4-6 longitudinal lines of weakness which allow the seedling to escape.