Tree up to 20(-36) m, glabrous except the inflorescence. Bark nearly black; branches pendent. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, long acute-acuminate, cuneate at the base, manifestly inequilateral, subcoriaceous, ± shining, entire or shallowly crenate, grey-greenish when dry and often with whitish, minute tubercles beneath, (10-)13-24 by 3½-8 cm; nerves 6-7 pairs, little prominent, veins rather obscurely reticulate; petiole (½-)1-1½ cm. Stipules rather persistent, triangular, nearly 1 mm. Cymes dichotomous, 4-8-flowered; peduncle c. 5 mm, ± as long as its 2 branches, ± densely rusty-velvety. Pedicels glabrous, thickened towards the apex, articulate at the base. Sepals subrotundate, concave, membranous, light-green or white, nearly glabrous, the outer 5-6 mm, the inner ones 8-10 mm. Petals subrotundate, thin, greenish-white, c. 5 mm diam., whitish-pilose outside in the upper half, fimbriate at the margin; scales half as long as the petals, ciliate, glabrous inside, densely sericeous outside. ♂ Flowers: stamens 20-32; filaments filiform, pubescent, 5-7 mm; anthers sagittate. ♀ Flowers: cymes shorter than in the ♂ inflorescence. Staminodes 15-24. Ovary ovoid, rusty-sericeous, slightly 3-5-sulcate at apex, crowned by the 4-5-lobed, radiate stigma. Fruit globose, 5½-6½(-8) cm diam., blackish-velvety; pericarp 4-5(-7) mm thick; peduncle 1½-2 cm. Seeds 15-20.